Our Purpose

“Working to eliminate intolerance and discrimination against ex-gay students, teachers, and their supporters.”

1) Participate in the development of NEA policies and activities that address the issue of sexual orientation, including membership in NEA committees and taskforces

2) Provide resources

3) Protect rights and interests of ex-gay members and their supporters

4) Promote recognition, understanding and acceptance of former homosexuals

5) Amend NEA resolutions to refer to “ex-gays” in addition to “gays, lesbians, and bisexuals”

6) Promote non-discriminatory policies and actions that support ex-gays

7) Work to prevent discrimination and intolerance against ex-gay students, teachers, and their supporters

8 ) Advocate a safe environment for all diverse populations, including ex-gay education employees and questioning youth

9) Work with NEA to develop policies that recognize the needs of ex-gays in our education system

10) Advocate accurate alternatives to homosexuality in school curriculum

The views expressed in this document are those of the caucus. The caucus has no authority to speak for, or act on behalf of, the NEA.